Razi University was ranked 8th in H-index among comprehensive universities in the country 

According to the ISC database, Razi University was ranked 8th among comprehensive universities and 13th among all universities in the country.
According to Razi University's Public Relations Report, Dr. Hossein Javanshiri stated: " The Science and Technology Citation and Monitoring Institute (ISC) has recently prepared a detailed report of the Hirsch index (H-INDEX) of the country's universities and research institutions in the WOS reference database."
The Director of Research Affairs of Razi University added: "In this report, Razi University has been ranked 8th among comprehensive universities in the country and ranked 13th among all universities in the country with a Hirsch index of 112."
Pointing out that the productivity of a person's or an institution's scientific productions is measured based on the amount of citations received, he reminded "The h-index is one of the widely used measures to show the productivity and impact of the published work of an institution. 
Dr. Javanshiri added: " In many rating systems, the H-index is used as an index that somehow indicates the quality of scientific outputs and research productivity at the level of universities and research and technology institutions of the country. This index is also considered in the ISC ranking and it is effective in the final score and university's rank."
In the report of the Science and Technology Citation and Monitoring Institute (ISC), the H- index number for universities and research and technology institutions based on the Web of Science database has been extracted. The table below shows the H-index of the 20 top country's universities:

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