Vice President for Financial and Administrative Affairs

Dr. Habib Jafari

Vice President for Financial and Administrative Affairs


Dr. Habib Jafari
Deputy of Finance and Administration Affairs


Email:  habib_jafari [at]  

Tel: +98(83)34277601-2   


1- Notifying the relevant units of all approvals, regulations and bylaws issued by the President of the University and monitoring and supervising the proper implementation.
2- Suggesting qualified people for management positions and supervising affiliated units to ensure that their duties are properly implemented.
3- Planning, setting up activities, and proposing the annual budget for the office of “the Vice President for Financial and Administrative Affairs in accordance with the University's priorities.
4- Collaborating with other departments to have better implementation of university programs.
5- Managing and supervising the proper administration of all administrative, financial and civil affairs of the University, in accordance with the relevant regulations, and bylaws.
6- Addressing the executive goals of the university and guiding and supervising the workflow and working procedures of the various units.
7- Monitoring the allocation of appropriations to the various units based on the detailed budget approved by the Board of Trustees and other applicable laws and regulations of the University. 
8- Determining the status of the university by identifying strengths, bottlenecks, problems, opportunities and threats in order to identify proposed strategies
9- Providing necessary reports to the President of the University on the duties of the units under supervision.
10- Gathering and completing the required information based on the university's comprehensive plan and planning and proposing an annual budget and carrying out all activities necessary to implement the university's development plans.
11-Performing major repairs to restore and maintain existing buildings and facilities. 
12- Establishing a Committee for the Development of Executive Procedures to Optimize the System of Administrative Interactions between Subsidiaries in Cooperation with Other University Departments.
13- Establishing a process of revenue recognition and proper control over the financial cycle to prepare financial management reports to establish financial discipline in various departments of the university. 
14-Developing appropriate administrative procedures for the maintenance of university buildings and equipment.