International Political Economy Studies - Razi University
International Political Economy Studies (IPES) is a leading journal dedicated to the international political economy from a plurality of perspectives. The journal encourages a global and interdisciplinary approach across all fields of international political economy. The journal explores issues such as trade, investment, and finance, production and consumption, and global governance and regulation, in conjunction with issues of culture, identity, gender, sociology, geography, and ecology.
International Political Economy Studies was granted the rank of scientific- research by the Scientific Review Commission of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology based on the License No. 3/18/193859 / dated 2018/10/31. Notice: all respected authors are kindly required to submit and find out about their manuscript submission status only through the Quarterly’s online submission system and their personal pages, and refrain from submitting or sending the manuscripts to personal email accounts. It is also to be noted that the manuscripts submitted to the Quarterly will be reviewed by running a plagiarism check to check similarity index.
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