Aging Psychology - Razi University
The journal of Aging Psychology (AP) is a peer-reviewed open-access quarterly journal in Persian (with extended English abstracts and bibliographies) devoted to the fields of adult development, aging and geropsychology, published by Razi University and is scientifically sponsored by the Aging Studies Association (ASA). The journal of Aging Psychology (AP) aims to (a) publish research and review on both the normal and dysfunctional aspects of aging psychology and geropsychology in adulthood and aging, and (b) promote the integration of theories, methods, and research findings between the fields of aging psychology and geropsychology. The primary focus of the journal is on reports of novel empirical findings that inform theories related to the psychological science of adult development, aging and geropsychology. Occasionally, theoretical or methodological analyses, systematic reviews, new methodological approaches, methodological critiques, critical reviews of a content area, policy recommendations grounded in aging psychology and geropsychology, or theoretically relevant case studies will also be published. Studies of basic principles of adult development, aging, and geropsychology and their application are appropriate, as are studies about psychological phenomena and processes of special relevance during adulthood and old age. The journal of Aging Psychology (AP) represents the diversity of topical areas in geropsychology, and the psychological science of adult development, and aging, including but not limited to, biological bases of behavior, clinical psychology, cognition, cultural and social influences on development, educational psychology, emotion, health psychology, human factors, medical psychology, motivation, neuroscience, personality, and self-regulation.
The journal of Aging Psychology (AP) publishes original articles and reviews that significantly advance knowledge about adult development, aging and geropsychology in diverse contexts and diverse populations. The journal of Aging Psychology (AP) welcomes rigorous studies regardless of methodological approach (e.g., laboratory-based or field experiments, clinical trials, field studies, naturalistic studies, mixed methods, meta-analyses, or secondary analyses of large datasets).
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