profile - Razi University

Faculty Member of Razi University

Razi University
SHirin Zardashtian

SHirin Zardashtian

Associate Professor / گروه مديريت ورزشي

Journal Paper

  1. "Explaining the Role of Physical Activity in Social Well-Being of Students in Universities of Kermanshah City"
    Hamed Farzi, SHirin Zardashtian, Kamran Eidipour
  2. "Transformational leadership athletes satisfaction and sport commitment A study of Iranian high school football teams"
    SHirin Zardashtian
    international journal of sport studies, pp.406-413, 2013
  3. "Survey motivation of successful and unsuccessful young athletes in ball sports"
    مريم السادات هاشمي تكليمي, فاطمه عبدالهي, SHirin Zardashtian, مظفر يكتايار
    international journal of sport studies, pp.1220-1227, 2013
  4. "The effect of autonomy- supportive behavior of coach on need satisfaction and sport commitment of elite female player in handball premier league."
    صديقه حسين پور, SHirin Zardashtian, بهشت احمدي, آزادي آزاده
    International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, pp.38-44, 2012
  5. "The effect autonomy-supportive behaviors of coaches on need satisfactionand sport commitment of elite female players in handball league"
    صديقه حسين پوردلاور, SHirin Zardashtian, بهشت احمدي, اّزاده اّزادي
    International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2012
  6. "The Relationship between Motivational Climate with Self-Determination of Iran s Elite Volleyball Players"
    يونس محمدزاده, SHirin Zardashtian, رسول نوروزي سيدحسيني
    International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2012
  7. "The Relationship between leadership styles of coaches with motivational climate of Iranian elite male Volleyball players"
    يونس محمدزاده, SHirin Zardashtian, رسول نوروزي سيدحسيني
    International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2012
  8. "Assessment of military force staff s readiness for Total Quality Management (TQM) Approval in Tehran Province"
    صلاح نقش بندي, Bahram Yousefi, SHirin Zardashtian, محرم زاده مهرداد
    Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, pp.5345-5349, 2012
  9. "The relationship between leadership styles of coaches with self-determination and burnout of the Iranian elite female volleyball players"
    SHirin Zardashtian, رسول نوروزي سيد حسيني, يونس محمدزاده
    International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, pp.30-37, 2012
  10. "The Relationship between leadership styles of coaches with selfdetermination and burn -out of the Iranian elite female Volleyball players"
    SHirin Zardashtian, رسول نوروزي سيدحسيني, يونس محمدزاده
    International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2012
  11. "Predicting Self-determined Motivation of Elite Female Volleyball Players from Leadership Styles of Coaches in Iran"
    SHirin Zardashtian, صلاح نقشبندي, nahid jabari
    International Journal of Sports Science and Engineering, 2011
  12. "The Effect of Eight Weeks of Aerobic Training on Reducing Mood Disorders Depression and Mania in High School Students High School Boys"
    محسن پيري, SHirin Zardashtian, شهرزاد خزايي, رقيه پيري
    International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, pp.268-273, 2011
  13. "precdicting self- determined motivation of elite famle vollyball from leadership syles of coaches in iran"
    SHirin Zardashtian, شهلا نقشبندي, ناهيد جباري
    International Journal of Sports Science and Engineering, pp.219-224, 2011

Update: 2024-12-07