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Department of Plant Protection


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Department of Plant Protection

1.    History
The Department of Plant Protection was primarily funded at the September 2000 in Agriculture and Natural Resources Campus and since then it has been offering a B.Sc. program in Plant Protection. M.Sc. programs in Agricultural Entomology and Plant Pathology are also offered since 2007 and 2009, respectively. Ph.D. program in Agricultural Entomology has been established since 2011.

2.    Disciplines
Department of Plant Protection offers two main programs: Plant Pathology and Agricultural Entomology. In Plant Pathology program, topics related to plant diseases, mycology, plant virology, plant pathogenic prokaryotes, plant nematology, principles of plant disease management and biological control are taught. In Agricultural Entomology, topics related to agricultural entomology, acarology, principles of plant pest management, ecology and dynamics of insect populations, physiology and toxicology are taught. 

3.    Educational purposes
The department strives to reduce the damage of plant pests and diseases and produce healthy crops, free from chemical pesticide residues. For this purpose, we are educating the next generation of plant health professionals through a modern and broad plant protection curriculum. Undergraduate education focuses on the needs of plants in relation to nutrients, pathogens, and insects. In postgraduate programs, department offers a wide range of learning opportunities and we inspire the students to think broadly as they choose a way that provides them with the specific expertise they seek, and, at the same time, includes a range of experience that will help them become a creative problem solver. We welcome international student, they will learn modern knowledge and state of art technologies in entomology and plant pathology.

4.    Research targets
Plant protection department has a strong commitment to collaborative research efforts with other departments, research institutes and centers to provide leadership in interdisciplinary research and education through intercollegiate programs. The research priorities of the department are mainly focused on solving the problems associated with the management of plant pests and diseases. Some of our faculty members establish knowledge-based companies to produce modern bio-products and to provide the conditions for commercial production of student creative ideas.
The strength of Plant Protection department is a gradient of fundamental and applied research:
•    Plant-microbe and plant-insect interactions.
•    Molecular identification and taxonomy of insects, mites, fungi, bacteria and viruses. 
•    Biocontrol, biopesticides and biobased products.
•    Integrated pest and disease management.
•    Mushroom science and technology.
•    Sources of resistance against plant pests and diseases.

5.    Vectors of plant diseases.Educational and research facilities
The facilities at the Department of Plant Protection include two educational laboratories and seven research laboratories. The laboratories of the department are equipped with classical equipment necessary for the diagnosis of pests and plant diseases as well as advanced equipment for the purification and molecular detection of plant-damaging biological agents. Some of the equipment include plant growth chambers, various dissection and light microscopes, Real-time PCR machine, Thermal Cycler, normal and refrigerated centrifuges, and Gel documentation. The central laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture is also located at the same building and is easily accessible for the students.

Degrees and Programs Offered: 
B.S. degree: Plant Protection
Master's degree: Plant Pathology, Agricultural Entomology
PhD: Agricultural Entomology

Head of Department: Rouhallah Sharifi
Tel: 98+ (83) 38330909
Email:  r.sharifi [at] 
Full Name Degree Programs Email
Saeed Abbasi Associate Professor Mycology and plant disease management
Samad Jamali Associate Professor mycology
Alireza Marafet Associate Professor bacteriology
Hassanali Vahedi Assistant professor Classification of insects
Abbas Ali Zamani Associate Professor Insect ecology
Marzieh Alizadeh Assistant professor Physiology and toxicology
Hadi Khateri Assistant professor Virology
Naser Moeini Naghade Assistant professor Insect ecology
Rouhallah Sharifi Assistant professor Plant growth-promoting bacteria and biological control
Major         B.Sc. M.Sc. Ph.D.
Agricultural Entomology  


Plant Pathology   

Plant Protection    

Laboratory Name  Equipment 
Entomology Laboratory Microscope, Stereo-microscope, Germinator, Incubator, Refrigerator 
Molecular Biology Laboratory Centrifuge, Fume hood, Electrophoresis apparatus, Refrigerated centrifuge, Shaker, Thermal Cycler (PCR), Vortex 
Mycology Laboratory Microscope, Stereo-microscope, Autoclave, Bain-Marie Bath, Centrifuge, Fume hood, Germinator, Incubator, Oven, pH meter, Refrigerator, Shaker, Vacuum pump
Pest Science Laboratory Compound microscope equipped with Digital camera, Microscope, Stereo-microscope, Fume hood
Plant Pathology Laboratory Microscope, Stereo-microscope, Centrifuge, Fume hood, Germinator, Incubator, pH meter, Refrigerator, Freezer, Shaker,  Micropipettes 
Address: Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Imam Highway, Kermanshah, Iran 
Tel: 98+ (83) 38330909
Email:  [at]