profile - Razi University
Faculty Member of Razi University
Razi University
ساره نظامي
Assistant Professor / Soil science and Engineering
- Ph.D: دانشگاه تربيت مدرس, مهندسي كشاورزي- علوم خاك، گرايش شيمي و حاصلخيزي خاك
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Sareh Nezami holds a B.S. of Soil Science from Isfahan University of Technology and M.S. of Soil Science from Tarbiat Modares University. She received her PhD in Soil Science with the specialization of Soil Chemistry and Fertility in May 2015 from Tarbiat Modares University. She has started her collaboration with Razi University since January 2018. She is now an assistant professor in the Soil Science and Engineering department in Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
During this period, she has taught different courses such as Soil Fertility and Fertilizers, Plant Nutrition, Soil and Water Pollution, Analytical Chemistry, Introduction to Soil Science, and Skill Training in B.S level. She also teaches these courses to graduate students: Advanced Soil Fertility and Research Method. Her research interests include: Soil Fertility, Plant Nutrition, Nitrate and Heavy Metals Pollution in Soil and Plant, and Saline-Sodic Soils. Her independent and joint articles with graduate students under her supervision in these fields have been published in prestigious national and international journals.