profile - Razi University
Faculty Member of Razi University
Razi University
Minoo Kamrani
Associate Professor / گروه رياضي
- Ph.D: دانشگاه تربيت مدرس, رياضي
View Count: 754
Minoo Kamrani holds a B.S. in Applied Mathematics from Razi University, and an M.S. in Applied Mathematics: Operations research from Sharif University of Technology. She received her PhD in Applied Mathematics from Tarbiat Modares University in February 2012. She began her collaboration with Razi University shortly afterwards. She is now an associate professor in the department of Mathematics at the Faculty of Basic Sciences.
Dr. Kamrani has been teaching several courses to B.S. students such as Calculus, Numerical analysis, Numerical linear algebra, Numerical solution of differential equations, Mathematical software and Differential equations. The courses she has also taught to graduate students are Advanced numerical analysis, Numerical solution of partial differential equations, Numerical solution of stochastic differential equations, and Scientific computing.
Her research interests are Numerical solution of partial differential equations, Numerical solution of stochastic differential equations and Stochastic partial differential equations.
She has published single-authored as well as joint papers with her graduate students under her supervision in these areas in prestigious national and international scientific journals.