profile - Razi University

Faculty Member of Razi University

Razi University
Dariush Naderi

Dariush Naderi

Associate Professor / گروه فيزيك


  • Ph.D: دانشگاه مازندران, فيزيك - فيزيك هسته اي


email: d.naderi [at]
View Count: 411


Dariush Naderi holds a B.S. in Physics from Razi University of Kermanshah and an M.S. in Nuclear Physics from University of Mazandaran. He received his PhD in Nuclear Physics Teaching and from Univeristy of Mazandaran in 2011. He began his official collaboration with Razi University in 2011. He is now an Associate Professor in the department of Physics at the faculty of Basic Sciences.
Dr Naderi has been teaching several courses to undergraduate students such as Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Physics Laboratory, General Physics I, General Physics II, General Physics III and Radio Isotopes and Their Applications. Also, the courses he usually teaches to graduate students include Advanced Nuclear Physics, Reactions and Scattering in Nuclear Physics, and Seminar and Research Method.
His research interests are Interaction of Heavy Ions, Nucleus Structure, and Study of Super Heavy Nuclei.
His single-authored and joint papers have been published in prestigious national and international scientific journals. Dr. Naderi has also been the Head of the Department of the Physics since 2020 to 2022.