profile - Razi University

Faculty Member of Razi University

Razi University
Mahnaz Ghowsi

Mahnaz Ghowsi

Assistant Professor / مرتبط با دانشكده علوم


  • Ph.D: دانشگاه شهيد بهشتي, زيست شناسي جانوري- فيزيولوژي
  • M.Sc: دانشگاه رازي, زيست شناسي جانوري- فيزيولوژي


email: ghowsi.mahnaz [at]
View Count: 81


Mahnaz Ghowsi holds a B.S. in Biology-Animal Sciences and an M.S. in Biology-Animal Science-Animal Physiology from Razi University. She received her PhD in Biology-Animal Science-Animal Physiology from Shahid Beheshti University in 2018. She officially began her collaboration with Razi University in 2020, where she is now an assistant professor in the department of biology at the Faculty of Basic Sciences.
Dr. Ghowsi has been teaching several courses to B.S. students such as Animal Physiology, Animal Physiology Laboratory, Physiology of Nerve and Muscle, Animal Biology-Physiology, Cell Physiology, Developmental Biology, Differentiation of Animal Cells, and Embryology.
Her research interests are Endocrinology, Molecular physiology, Physiology of reproduction, Synthesis of nanoparticles for biological applications, and creating different animal models for using in biological studies

She has published single-authored as well as joint papers with her graduate students under her supervision in these areas in prestigious national and international scientific journals.